
choice is yours

people who move / people who settle

people who take action / people who hold it

people who show / people who see

no matter what you do, you choose what you do. 
You have to be your boss, don't let no one or no thing to take control over you. 
because at the end of the day, is the success really matters? 

動き回る人 身を固める人

行動をする人 立ち止まる人

見せる人  見る人


people whom I love, no matter where you are, what you do, if you live you life in their will, 
that's somehow makes me feel stronger. 




the freshest, the illest

Fresh (1994)

among the early 90s' major movies like Juice, Boyz in da hood, this movie is under-valued, i think. 

Fresh is a street-smart.
Fresh is never scared. 
Fresh does not believe anybody.
Fresh never smiles. 

At last moment, he cries. What a meaning of his tears?
I think is the tremendous relief when he faced with his father.
No matter how he could deal with ghetto adults, he is just a 12 years old boy, Michael.

Must watch.

90年代初期に作られた主要ブラックムービー、JuiceやBoys in da hoodに比べて、Freshは少し過小評価されている気が。





missing pieces

Missing pieces dresses by Viktor and Rolf

First, you won't believe your eyes.
What a piece of art! 
I like the idea. 

(photo via :Refinary) 


Today is the first day of the rest of my life

Yesterday was my graduation ceremony.I was kind of reluctant to go there, main reason I went was for my parents because they wanted to come but could not. ( I think they wanted to know if I really graduate or not, because I postponed my graduation almost a year)  
But now, I am really happy that I went.

Since the last semester, I never realized that I really graduated, but when I attended the ceremony, many emotion came up from my heart. I thought back, it was really long way to come here. I finally felt like I accomplished something. It's good feeling.

Yet, I know this is not only the ending, but also the start of my new life.


DC Calling

DC is the best among the cities surrounding NYC.

5 hour ride of little China bus takes you straight to this amazing city. 

If you wanna go to short trip from the city, pick DC and you will never regret your choice.

Place you must to go in DC:

-Miss Pixies / MUST. HAVE TO.

-Treasury / very cute vintage store, nice clark, inexpensive.

-Hello Cupcake / cake sponge is very dense yet light.

-Colk / little winery. I don't drink but their snack choices are amazing. 

-Urbana / restaurant in our hotel. everything was amazing. 

Trip is great because:

-excitement of planning

-actual experiences in the location

-relief when you back home.

All three feelings complete great trips. 

next trip has to be beach! I miss sunshine, sand, sea breeze and waves. 

By the way

a book before sleep: Egotrip's Big Book of Racism


This book is full of racial humor, you can enjoy it if you don't take it really seriously. Writing, information, and design, everything is a-m-a-z-i-n-g. 



recent watch:

1, half nelson  ★★★☆☆

主役のRyan Goslingがとても素敵。ダメ教師の堕落人生ストーリー。ただ、彼を憎めないようにできていて、欲望との葛藤や、どうしようもない孤独、一人の男が淡々と人生を生きる、静かな日常。こんなことありそう、こんな人いそう、そういう物語をいつも見てしまう。だからファンタジーから遠のく。

main-character, Nelson, was handsome. I liked the song in the movie, "it's alright to cry". It is actually the song from kids tv program on 80s', but just simply so good. This is my song for this very moment. 

Check this video out. Great song, but very funny. Can't help to laugh at his facial expression.  

挿入歌のIt's alright to cryがすごく良くて、音源も手に入れようと思うのですが今はビデオで我慢。このビデオが最高に面白いです。↓

2, head-on ★★★★☆
 Sibel was the beauty. Very speedy and dramatic. 

3, sherry baby ★★★☆☆

マギーギレンホールってDark Knightでしか演技を見たことがなかったんですが、とても良い役者なんですね。演技に不自然なところがまったくなくて、出所後のどうしようもなく無知でやけっぱちで、でもただ娘を愛したいのに空回り、という母親の演技が良かったです。

Maggie Gyllenhaul (miss-spelled?) is really good actress, I just recognized. She is pretty natural in the film. She made me think about millions of after lives of incarcerated women and their tough relationship with their kids. I imagine that it's just really hard to raise children, if they have such a blank of time in their life. Those moms do not know how to love their kids, even how eager they are. 

4, On the Outs ★★★★☆


 I could tell it is low-badged film and could be a lot of similar story about this, but this film got something extra. Don't know exactly what that is, but their lives just shake my heart. Life is hard. Outsiders can say anything, but people in this environment might not have any options. 

5, Brothers ★★★★☆

its remake is now hit the load right now, but this is the original one. I would say it is also low-badged movie, but three of the main characters are so good. Each of them has very related our ordinary lives. Imagine, how can we endure to keep dark secret to love some one. 


I really have to send millions of appreciation for netflix instant watch. This is the true blessing of technology of 21st century. 




I wish for a happy new year for everyone in this whole world 
wherever and whoever you are. 
just keep everything good and left everything unneeded from the last year.
Isn't this beginning of the brand new year feel sooo great no matter what? 
NEW means clean. fresh. blank. 
I will make this year great. I will. 
