My brain is drying up. Nothing to let out, all gone. Sometime you feel like any single word is not coming out from you. One day I appreciate that I have a job that I'm not hating, and the other day, I want to walk out of the room and never return. How do I protect my passion towards something that I love from worn-out routine? Why I don't love the thing that I used to love so much? Is it me, or them, or age?
Random Days
昨日はDJ SCRATCHの45セットを見にゆく。Bone Crusherがかかったのと(45なんてあるんだね)SCRATCHの左腕の幼稚園児が描いた宇宙人のようなタトゥーに終始目が釘付けだった。ソウルのセットで、「私スクラッチと趣味がばっちり合うわ。いい友達になれそう。」とずっと勝手に思っていた。
Went to see DJ Scratch's 45 set last night. Highlights were Bone Crusher, (Never Scared in 45? hello? ) and his left arm's awkward tattoo. His soul set ensured me that we have a pretty similar taste each other. We can be a good buddy.

今週の一枚。Soul Fever / Marie "Queenie" Lyons, Reissue。汗ほとばしる、スパンコールの衣装をタイトにまとったシスターソウルといったかんじ。JBプロデュースの曲も収録。シスターソウルはアルバムを通してきくと最後のほうにシャウトがキンキンして耳障りになりがちだけど、これは何度も聞ける。いい曲たくさんで、うれしい。
Album of the week / Soul Fever by Marie "Queenie" Lyons, Re-issue. Sweaty, sequins-costume kind of sister's soul. Includes one song of JB's pro. Sometime I cannot take women's vocal until the whole album finished cause high-tone voice annoys me. This does not get in my nerves at all. Many great songs.

New soap. I like how perfectly square it is. I was so broke when I bought it so I grabbed the cheapest one in pharmacy, then cashier screen said the price four times higher than I expected. I can never say "I don't want this" in these kind of situation. My weakness.

Nail is fashion of course, but for me, it's very personal and healing process. Focus on this simple thing, and it always bring me mind-soothing feeling somehow.
そういえば、Good Recordsのふくろがかわいかった。なんだか、昭和なかんじ。小学生のときの、いわゆる「CD屋」を思い出す。
Cute shopping bag from Good Records. Reminds me a small record-store in mall of my childhood.
Went to see DJ Scratch's 45 set last night. Highlights were Bone Crusher, (Never Scared in 45? hello? ) and his left arm's awkward tattoo. His soul set ensured me that we have a pretty similar taste each other. We can be a good buddy.

今週の一枚。Soul Fever / Marie "Queenie" Lyons, Reissue。汗ほとばしる、スパンコールの衣装をタイトにまとったシスターソウルといったかんじ。JBプロデュースの曲も収録。シスターソウルはアルバムを通してきくと最後のほうにシャウトがキンキンして耳障りになりがちだけど、これは何度も聞ける。いい曲たくさんで、うれしい。
Album of the week / Soul Fever by Marie "Queenie" Lyons, Re-issue. Sweaty, sequins-costume kind of sister's soul. Includes one song of JB's pro. Sometime I cannot take women's vocal until the whole album finished cause high-tone voice annoys me. This does not get in my nerves at all. Many great songs.

New soap. I like how perfectly square it is. I was so broke when I bought it so I grabbed the cheapest one in pharmacy, then cashier screen said the price four times higher than I expected. I can never say "I don't want this" in these kind of situation. My weakness.

Nail is fashion of course, but for me, it's very personal and healing process. Focus on this simple thing, and it always bring me mind-soothing feeling somehow.

Cute shopping bag from Good Records. Reminds me a small record-store in mall of my childhood.
my room is an egg shell

you can drive my car
Mind blowing... You know when you get out of the dark exit after the film and it was shockingly good, you can't really talk much about it. Not being able to digest, analyze,describe, nor critic what's inside of your mind. These things are only for boring movies. My heart are still pounding hard, and feel like looking for a continuous scenery of the film in the city's night. Worth to watch.
I'm in the mood of golden R&B these days. It's all about baggy jeans, socks with boots, Tommy Hilfiger, serious dance coreography, hoops earring, hair braids, tank tops, all black skin tight outfits, Nike Air Force, PNB, Kangol hats, cliche stories of men and women / boys and girls. It's as cheezy as you can be, and it's almost too perfect.
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