
今更ながら、、ミーハーとはわかっていてもやはり良い曲なのでアカデミーで見つけて買ってしまったMayer Hawthorneの just ain't gonna work out. 。明日はデルマノ。だらーんとやろ-っと。
(Great tune, played by Jeremy last sunday! I loved the fact that she's not a great singer.)
Have been very sleepy and lazy these couple of days, even I went bet early. Horoscope tells that I should clean up the house especially cleaner this week, so I will do it tonight. I cannot find sweeper at my house. How is it possible to be lost such a big and tall thing? Strange… My room is like a jungle, and the thing borders me the most is that I can never find something when I need. Tape, scissors, stamps, batteries, checks,,, these things. So disorganized.
"Mayer Hawthorne, Just ain't gonna work out heart-shaper vinyl) It's too late and too commercial now, but still a great song from him. I could not resist when I found this at Academy in Brooklyn last weekend. Tomorrow is Delmano! Chillin and relaxing. And what's most, midnight oyster treat too!