
believe or not

at some point in my life, I really care about the zodiac, palm readings, these kind of things.
I sort of hate myself when I care these too much, because that basically means my life is not going well.When I care about it too much, that's the sign of my anxiety..I know it.
Now, I don't care that much, but last couple of month, I checked every horoscopes that you can imagine in magazines and online pages. Everything saying different things, and made me confused, then I hate myself. I decided stick with one thing. Suzan Miller. She is serious. 

By the way, I found this very funny. Do You?

LEO : It's pain to admit this, but I think those are mostly true. 

People who dress better than them (自分より着飾っている人)
People with better cars than them(自分よりいい車に乗ってる人)
Being ignored (無視されること)
Being provoked to jealousy (嫉妬する状況に陥ること)
Being too cold (極寒)
Being too wet (ずぶ濡れになること)
Being forced to go to church (協会に無理矢理行かされること)
Being trapped inside on a sunny day (晴れた日に室内に居ること)
Being told to slow down (落ち着いたら?って言われること)

in here, people don't care about blood types, most people doesn't even know what  their blood types are. Asian people (as far as I know Korea and Japan) are the only people who think blood type is a big deal. 

I hate today's weather. But my day wasn't that bad. 


Smile like you mean it

Today was a good day. I was inspired so much by what I had experienced. 

To be honest, as much as I love fashion, I don't have good image of the people in fashion industry.

They talk and smile like they don't mean it. Their relationships are seem like all surface. 

I know this is kind of my exaggerated type of view, I know it's not all that.

But that's why I am afraid to jump into this industry because I don't wanna be part of that.

whatever people does in the fashion, I believe it's all about the personality at the end of the day.

No matter how they create beautiful look, it's all crap when they cannot respect the others in personal level. 


The people that I work with today are never playing nor hype. 

I could tell how much they love the fashion from the bottom of their heart and still have such such a great personality.

How those people contribute to push this culture forward, this pure energy just keeps me going.






beats in my blood

I like shopping. I am sure everyone knows about me will all agree with that.
I like clothing, shoes, craps, weird junks. I like bikes, photos, foods... Yes, I am just a greed, you can say. 

But nothing can compare with the joy of music. Any other material things cannot give me that special feeling. I never can imagine the life without beats. melody. flow. breaks. Those are the essential elements in my life which had making the every moment in my life precious, then and now. I am a strong believer of this great discovery in human life. 



Shaker's gonna have a long-waited party. 
Since ugly music is a global issue, we only play good music. 

Give us water and we will grow. 


genius or just another dumb

I don't sometime understand what's in the brain of so called "genius / creative " people. 
Yes, those are totally official. 


Is Karl just a dumb or pure genius? Both, Maybe. 


change is gonna come

last week was a little hectic for me since there are many changes happened in my life. 
Decision to make. Bill to pay.But whenever I encounter something new, I feel excited rather than be afraid.New place, new people, new taste, new sound, everything like that. If I take everything not too seriously, new experience (doesn't matter good or bad)  is eventually make me a bit smarter to make life little easier at the end, I believe. 

I haven't have big changes in my life cycle so long and I got used so much to the rotation. I am in secure place for very long. but I am gonna jump into the changes, and I am not afraid. Change is good. 
