

ユナイテッドアローズクルーとずんさま、さきちゃん、JJでIL MULINOというレストランへ。入った瞬間からここの食事は絶対に素晴らしいはず、と肌で分かる満点のレストランだった。新出の、クールでヒップスター的雰囲気にごまかされる料理ではなく、イタリアンファミリースタイルの活き活きしたおもてなしでラグジュアリーなのに家庭的。こんなにおいしいごはん久しぶりだった!家族連れが多かったので、おかあさんとおとうさんがきたら連れていきたい。絶対に気に入ると思う。

Alec SothのBroken Manualsを見に行く。やっぱり好きだな~。対象との距離感、悲痛なものを映しているわけではないのに心がちくちくする生々しさ。ハイファッションを撮ってもミネソタの高校生を撮ってもボゴタの家族を撮っても、その孤独は空気としてレンズの中にある。

というようなことを考えていたらこのビデオを見て腑に落ちた。まさに言いたいことを本人が直接表しているのでちょっとビックリ、、他のレビューも呼んだけど、どうやら皆そう感じるようだ!作品の意図が伝わっているということだ。Sean Kellyギャラリーで3月11日までやってるのでニューヨークの人はぜひ!レポートを書くのとひきかえに仕事時間に行かせてもらえて、時間が結構余ったので帰りは29丁目から歩いてトライベッカに戻ってハドソンリバーでポテトチップスたべながらぼーっとした。寒かったけど川がきれいだった。


2月5日 はれ


土曜日はゆきこさんちで起きて、近所でクロワッサンを買ってスリフトに。それからBroadywayのよくありがちなスニーカー屋が全部40%オフということでAIR MAXを買うというまったく予想外の出費。生地を見に行って、KARMAというずっと行きたかった本屋に行った。何も予備知識は無いから、感覚的に目についた本をぱらぱらとめくっていくのが楽しい。Roy Lichtensteinの白黒作品だけを集めた画集がよかったけど、40ドルなので断念。Andy Brumerという人の詩集を買った。はじめてすんなり入ってくる英語の詩に会った。店員の少年もとても親切で、押し付けがましくない程度に色々を教えてくれて、本屋にあるべき店員の姿といったかんじだった。不思議な場所にあるけど、おすすめ。それから、A1。混んでた。45もちょくちょくいいのが入っている。やっぱり誰がなんといっても、はじめてレコードを買いに行ってそれからずっと入り浸っていた店だから、思い入れが一番。ニューヨークとレコード屋といって私が思い浮かべるのは、ほこりとジャンル分けもあやふやでいつのだかわからないステッカーとポスターにまみれてるこの店だ。

今、ちょうど来週のランチ用の食材をTrader Joesに行って帰って来たところ。スーパーボールなので人気がなく、久しぶりに誰ともぶつからずじっくり店内を見れた!そんなメローな週末。


On Friday, we were bummed out that our favorite Japanese restaurant on Clinton street had suddenly closed out... damn. After so-so- dinner, we stopped by Chris's Radio show at EVR. Danny was a guest. Great set! You can check it out here. Then, I went Yukiko's house to record mix for $1 bin 45s. We took time to plan out this time, order and flow. Embedded it later!

Woke up at Yukiko san's house, stopped by Cafe Athom for great cheese danish and coffee, and went to my favorite thrift. Scored some goodies. Went back to Manhattan and bought Air Max on Broadway... it was totally unexpected expense. Stopped by fabric store but did not see anything that I liked. Then, went to Karma, the bookstore I'd wanted to go for a long time. Bought poem book by Andy Brumer. After that, stopped by A1. Some great 45s are consistently coming in at there. No matter what people say, A1 is my top. When I started to get into record ,that was the go-to store for me all the time. I used to go there right after they opened like 1:10 PM, and stayed there for many hours. When I talk about record and New York, that dusty clutters, covered with ancient posters and stickers are always on my mind.

... Just got back from Trader Joe's trip. City is empty since the Super Bowl craze is going on. Really great opportunity to look around the store without pushing and crashing the cart with other customers. Night night!

Check our mix out .. and download if you like it.


2月2日 はれ





Stayed late at the office today. I am always the one who clocks out right after the working hour, so it is super rare I found myself being there till 11pm. It's kind of feeling great when you walk out the door, makes you feel that you worked hard. The chilly air was nice on my cheeks tonight.

Last night's Delmano was fun! I believe that Soul music has something that everyone can relate to in any age. Even you don't listen to it at all, there are some charms that people can say "Hm, I like it." No matter where we play, people seems to like it. (If not, too bad for you!) It's catchy and heart-full. I can't necessarily say that to hip hop.

These day I feel like I'm not living alone. It's hard to admit for me after the phase of my life, just feeling like you are all standing alone at the end of the day. I could not let people to help, or allow me to lean on someone, and it's getting awkward as the time goes by. you just forget what to do when you lost. Don't know why, but this year, I feel like I have been helped by the people around me everyday. I could not appreciate about that past few years, or I wonder if I even recognized about that. Now, I remember, and it came to me naturally. It was the time, and it's all good.


1月31日 くもり、あたたかい



今更ながら、、ミーハーとはわかっていてもやはり良い曲なのでアカデミーで見つけて買ってしまったMayer Hawthorneの just ain't gonna work out. 。明日はデルマノ。だらーんとやろ-っと。


(Great tune, played by Jeremy last sunday! I loved the fact that she's not a great singer.)

Have been very sleepy and lazy these couple of days, even I went bet early. Horoscope tells that I should clean up the house especially cleaner this week, so I will do it tonight. I cannot find sweeper at my house. How is it possible to be lost such a big and tall thing? Strange… My room is like a jungle, and the thing borders me the most is that I can never find something when I need. Tape, scissors, stamps, batteries, checks,,, these things. So disorganized.

"Mayer Hawthorne, Just ain't gonna work out heart-shaper vinyl) It's too late and too commercial now, but still a great song from him. I could not resist when I found this at Academy in Brooklyn last weekend. Tomorrow is Delmano! Chillin and relaxing. And what's most, midnight oyster treat too!