recently, I listen this mix for whole couple of weeks. Maybe too much.
But BIG L, someone may not agree, but he is the one whom I eager to experience actual stage among dead rappers. His free style skill, high tone voice, street smart lyrics, those are just all amazingly poetic.
I was born in the golden era of hip hop and grew up never know about this music existed.
By the time I really into this, people already started to say "hip hop is dead."
I wish I were here in real time and experience late 80s' to 90s' in right here.
賛同しないひとも居るだろうが、BIG Lは、数々の死んだラッパーの中でも、一番ステージを見たいラッパーである。フリースタイルスキル、高めの声にストリートの不良リリック、どれをとってもすべてが完璧にポエティックだ。
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