ok, who brainwashed me?
Many people keep telling that we have to go through the things you don't desire, to get where you wanna be. Of course this is truth about life. They said, be patient and stable, and you will be rewarded ( or not ) someday (may you will be dead by then) . This mindset was coming from all Japanese background that I been raised. School taught me how unfair that life will be. Parents taught me that. Society praised the people those who sacrificed themselves to work and devoted all their life. But who really knows how I can be happy? Why they encourage to abandon the dream from the beginning? Why they kept showing us giving up is the most easiest things to do?
I might be a super selfish to say that, but but why we can just live with what we really want it to be?
life is already unfair. Don't be a bitch about it.
Today, I decided strongly that I will never give up what I wanna do.
I push myself real hard. I mean HARD!
さて、なんでこんなこと書いているかっていうと、今日、仕事がおわってタイムズスクエアから自転車をこいでPaid in Fullを聞いたら、絶対にあきらめないぞ、と心がしっかり石のようにかたまった。それをなくさないで、しっかり握りしめようと思う。Rakimのライムノートみたいに。
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