i'm so happy and feeling over the top, so have to share this..
Last night, I was too tired and lazy to bring up my heavy bike to walk-up 3rd floor, so I chained it in outside, since I gotta go to job interview in the morning anyway.
Then, this morning, I got out from my apartment, and there was no bike. You know how shocked I was? That bike meant a lot to me.. I was about to cry, but gotta go to interview, so grab cab and watching windows. I looked all the bikers the eyes of envy . I tried so hard not to cry because I felt like I lost best friend of mine. I got off because was traffic jam, and walked down to the office. Then, I saw familiar frame... "wait,, what am I seeing?" What I was seeing is that someone riding my very own red bike!!!! I've never run so fast for a long, I caught him, and screamed "Hey! That's my bike!"
He was living in that apartment across the street, and said the chain was loose and not really intended to stole it. Yeah, chain loosed bike on the street of New York over the night? forget it, I don't blame him.
He looked pretty nice guy, and showed me his ID so I asked him to riding around until my interview's over cause I didn't have lock with me and can not leave it on the street anyway. I met up with him after that, and gave him donuts. That's the end of the story.
I mean.. if it ain't miracle, I don't know what it is. If I caught a cab minutes later , or could not get off on the way, I will never see him again. and the bike will be at chop shop in any minutes. Miracle on the Clinton.. Someone should make a movie. Thank you saint Steve. You save my day, or maybe entire life!
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