

I think it happens to everybody that anyone who is really famous and you knew some of him or her masterpieces, and that makes you fell like you know everything about them. But wait a second, and think about it. Have you really checked all what he or she creates ? Maybe not. It's so easy to fake yourself that you think know about them if they are too famous. James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin MJ (of course) ... I think they are all the great artists in history, and I liked them all the time, but have I ever listened all of their albums? NO. So, why not? 

Spike Lee was one of those kinds to me.

I have watched his joints couple of times, but these day, I have been watching a lot. I think I started to like him really deeply. 

I have not spend my time to really dig into one artist since I have too many interest in too many people, so I tried hard to broad my knowledge rather than deeply searching about one artist. But if you really like his taste, It's not bad to do so. 

I think his works are full of hidden messages, which I easily overlooked. Even his works released ages ago, I never feel those as old-style. Everytime I watch, I can find something new and different. That's why I want to re-watch his works, and actually makes me wanna own them. 


Mo' Better Blues (1990)

これってみんなにあると思うんですが、すごく有名な人に限って、知っている気がして何も知っていないこと、しかもそれに気付いていないことって多いと思うんです。その人たちの作品を全部見てみたり聴いてみたりしたわけではないのに、なんとなく知った気でいること。James Brown、Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, それにもちろんMJ。みんな歴史に残る素晴らしいアーティストで、いつも好きではいたのですが、例えばこの人たちの全部のアルバムを聴いたことあるかっていったらないです。私にとってSPIKE LEEもそのうちの一人でした。



SPIKE LEEの作品はヒントに溢れています。それは見落とすような小さいメッセージで、見る人にそれを見つける楽しさを与えてくれます。そして、昔の作品であってもカメラワークにまったく古さを感じさせません。見所がいつも違う。だから何度でも見返したい。好きな作品でも手元に持っておきたいって思うものはなかなかないけど、spike leeは私にとってそんな一人です。

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