
I like to dig into old music archives. Dusty, sentimental grooves. It never ends to search deep for grimy songs because there are so many in the world. I cannot even remember since when I stopped to listen new releases.


Erykah Badu,

 her new album "New Amerykah Part 2; Return of the Ankh" simply reminds me the excitement of innovation of music. I always admire her braveness and Stoicism for her creativity and "I don't give a f*** what people think about me" attitude. (and her outfit also)

Erykah Baduのニューアルバムがすごくいい。単純に、初期衝動や、実験がもたらす発見、創作意欲の爆発の素晴らしさを思い起こしてくれる。常に彼女の勇気や音楽に対するストイックさを賞賛して来たけど、今回は得に素晴らしい!

What the meaning of life if you just looking back to old stuff that you could never experienced, and longing too much imagining what if I was born in that age? This is the easy trap for those who love old things and be critical for anything new. Of course there is some romanticism for classics, but may be what someone create today will be classic in some day. I am living now, this time. 


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