I worked at office in mid-town New York for two months, which I never thought I am going to experience in my life. Life is strange, it sometime takes you different life stage that you never know. My office was the typical OFFICE that you can ever imagine. Tacky-suits business man, high-security maintenance building, well-organized and high technology coffee pantry, big fridge with too many salads of health-conscious coworkers (the only thing they eat is salad with vinegar dressing), bunch of conference room, very quiet, no-music playing, no-joking around office. I was fully enjoyed this opportunity, come to work with loud rap song with my bike and sneakers, eating potato chips. I never got bored because I was too unfamiliar to do so. I even enjoyed sneak into the conference room and sitting in the chair or drinking all of Hot Chocolate in pantry.
OK, being Nostalgic is not quite my thing. What’s next?
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