Writing is what I used to really enjoy. It's the symbol of freedom and my creativity, even in a little thing such as how I pick the vocabulary, how the sentence order should go, and how I put it all together. I feel quite uncomfortable if sentence is unintentionally smooth or un-smooth. Then, when I started writing for getting by, it's not as fun as before any more. I think I am in a slump right now. This is such a normal thing, I know, that comes to everyone who choose to eat a bread by doing something you like. Musician, artist, anything who caught up into. Mine is not that serious, because I'm still not sure that writer should be a main focus in my career, but my frustration of unskilled English and restricted freedom of speech is killing me right now. and it's sad and heartbreaking that I can't love the thing in a way that I used to anymore. Honestly I cried in the pantry. Wiped my tears with my jersey top. I know I can be a very dramatic person, sometime take things too seriously. And I know I'm gonna forget this stress by the end of the night. I am just writing for my healing process because that's what I do anyway.I hope I can find clear borderline for my love and my job soon and be emotionless when I write for paychecks.
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