
1月27日 雨





Miserable rain. I like rain if it's a bit warmer, but plus the cold, it wreck my motivation to go outside. I can't say this week is a great week, but seems like I can get over with it. Good job. Just finished Ryu Murakami's "Strange Days". Worst book from him ever, felt like waste of time. It took so much energy to go on, and got nothing from it. Well.. I understood his idea, showing the problem of the society. Like truth is coated in lies and rules and no one saying shit. Yeah, but he could do much better in a simple way. This week, I could back in touch with my old good friends, Iyokun and Tomo chan. Felt so good and it's strange that happened at the same time. Probably I needed it?

I'm gonna go to Koji -san and Mayu-san's house tonight. Koji-san have amazing record collection and both are very sweet people. Looking forward to talk to them!


1月24日 晴れ


I got text from my roommate saying that she got to leave the apartment in 3 weeks. She lost her job. Of course I felt sorry for her, but my major concern was finding another roommate. I didn't want to repeat the chaos of last year... Then in 20 minutes, Kei-chan decided to take my room. What a relieve! My heart was beating so hard like a jet coaster. It was a fast ride. Life is that strange people, you never know what's gonna break you and what's gonna pick you up.

Thinking that tomorrow is always better than today. I'm gonna go bed now.


1月23日 雨、くもり、雨



1月20日 晴れのち雪





After graduating from high-school, most of my school friends went to Tokyo except my best-friend, Iyo kun. I skipped Tokyo, and came to America straight from small city Sapporo. These whole "missing experience" thing makes me fantasized Tokyo. It's my country's capital and all people are speaking same language that I speak, but my feeling towards that big city is somehow similar to the foreigner. It's different, very organized in mechanic way but fragile and sentimental at the same time. This thought just randomly came into my mind, just looking at japanese website. One day, I will see the city in my eyes. Wonder how the city looks like. It must be mind blowing in many ways.

I'm gonna go dinner with Laura and Kristina after work today. The special people that I met in Casimir. exciteeeeed !


Memory Lane (of underware)



今週末はけいちゃんが帰ってくる。これから、Higher Learningをみる。





そしてO'my's のアルバムを一日中聴いてた。また戻って来た。


The crazy chilly day. But I liked that so cold, air is blue and crispy, feeling very clean. After the job, I went to Brooklyn to see some rag as I mentioned yesterday. I saw some rags that I really liked, but everything is from $500. Sigh... Instead, I bought vintage table cloth. I used to make fun of my mom loving these crochet, but I think I like it now. Strange. These small things make my room different, so I like buying some shit to decorate the room. I have enough clothes (duh), buying record is not that sexy (doesn't stopping me to do that by any means), so room decoration is my new luxury this 2012. I also bought small blackboard for to-do list. Stopped by saltie, bought my favorite lavender short bread, and also the cupcake shop next door and got strawberry shortcake cupcake. I don't know why I like baked good so much. I don't wanna know how much my expenses are flying for such things.

And listening O'Mys all-day-long. Again.


peacefully bored

数日前に目をけがしてしまったので、なんだかどこにも出たくない週末だった。友達や知り合いに会うと説明しなきゃいけないし同情されるのもめんどくさくて、一人でじーっとしてた。家でレコード聞いたり、United States of Taraを見たりして。これが面白くて、オープニングの絵本みたいなアニメーションがすごい好き。音楽にしろ映像にしろ文章にしろ、品質は「長さ」によってかなり左右される気がする、ということを最近強く思う。素晴らしい文章はだらだらしていないし、名曲はいつもちょうどいい所でおわる。




I injured eye, so made me feel like not being active at all this weekend. Feeling such a pain to explain what happened, so mostly just stayed at home, listening records and watching United States of Tara. It's good, all episode is like 25minutes. It can be said for anything, but I believe all the objects' quality is mostly do with length. It's very important.

As long as I have a cup of good tea on my favorite bed, I'm happy.

I got paycheck today so gonna go to buy some vintage rag tomorrow, excited...! I'm looking for similar like this. It has to be flatten by the age of use. Not fluffy one.

Happy Birthday father!


My bed is sancuary


Thought Catalogというとてもいいウェブサイトがある。ライターはみんな若手なのかな?とにかく度々とてもいいショートエッセイがあるので、ちょくちょく読んでいる。どれも軽く読むのに完璧な長さで、文字の大きさといいキャッチーなタイトルといい、ナチュラルなようでいてよく考案されたいいウェブサイトだ。英語が苦手でも、おもしろいのがたくさんあって毎日いっぱい更新されるのでおすすめです!

Went to eat with my co-workers after work to Katsuhama. Tonkatsu (pork cutlet) is like a magic, it makes everybody happy no matter what. Shredded cabbage was great, I could eat it bottomless. At night, the thing that bordered me for couple of days are cleared out, so I could sleep peacefully. I love my bed. It soaks up all emotions from me, either it's joy or sorrow. My flannel blanket is a shell. Read a bit of Strange Days by Haruki Muakami, but I passed out reading just few pages.

Thought Catalog is one of my all time go-to website. I think all writers here are young. It's the corrective of essays that is perfect for coffee time reading. I always ready whatever the title attracts me. I think the website is super simple, but well considered to not overwhelm the reader. It is updated every single day with many essays, highly recommended!


people look well in the dark

昨日は早朝から自分のばかげたミスでさんざん落ち込んだ。仕事帰りにジェレミーがフラッシングの韓国料理に連れていってくれるというのでゆきこさんと行ってみた!へんぴなところにあったけど、とてもおいしかった。自分だけでは2度と行けない。そのあと、パークスロープのCanal Barというローカルなバーに行く。お酒は飲めないけど、行くとしたらカクテルがおいしいおしゃれで気取ったバーよりも、年齢層が高い汚いローカルバーのほうが全然好き。トイレのドアも壊れてるような。ジュークボックスをたくさんいじって男と女の話をして二人がビール飲むのをながめながら家に帰ってきて爆睡!結果なんだかんだいい平日だった。




本日はDon Sta先生を招いてのGood Co! HIPHOPオンリーと粋がってはみたものの、練習をしてないわたくし、どうなることやら!でも、今日も楽しい夜になるといいな。


standing alone

Great article about SUPREME from BOF. Can't wait second one.


Like nothing happened


This pen does the magic! My Converse chuck taylor was stained all over from coffee and other dirty thing, but they are now crispy white as box fresh! I am very sloppy person, and all of my white clothes are somehow stained. All of them. This is the life-saver, and it gives me particular satisfaction by just looking at stains fading away. highly recommended.

なぜか、本当になぜだかよくわからないけど唐突にN.E.R.Dがなつかしくなってファーストを買ってみる。丁度10年前なんだなぁ。高校のときネプチューンズが好きで買ったアルバムなんだけど、ちょっと難しくてわからなかったな。当時からStay Togetherが大好きで大好きで。このバキバキの強いドラムとスイートなメロディーにしばらくやられていた。間の入り方も完璧。今日会社でも帰り道でもずっと聴いてて、改めてすごい中毒性。充分長いのにそれでもこのまま終わらなければいいのに、と思う一曲。

Don't know why but all of a sudden I wanted to listen N.E.R.D again, and bought 1st album on iTunes this morning. It released exactly 10 years ago. I used to be so fanatic about Neptunes and Timberland. This album gave me a hard time to understand for my armature ears, but of course I fell in love with Stay Together. This sharp drums and sweet lyrics... the blank second is just so perfect. I listened at office and on the way home, it is so obsessive. It's already long enough, but still hoping not to end. Great song even today.




Pretty mellow weekend. Had so much time by myself. Pumping up the TO DO list, but not scratching off any. Don't feel like listening music, neither watching movie. I bought few books but did not inspired to read at all. Isn't it happens every once in a while, you don't wanna anything to let in yourself? But you're not depressing or anything. Just don't wanna anything to affect you at that moment. It was like that this week. On sunday, killer headache... It seems like happens on every Sunday. I'm dying. try not to focus on pain. Don't know why I'm writing blog since I am being quite lazy even when I'm very healthy and full of energy. Good night.


paper and ink

Writing a card is my new thing this year. I found the joy of doing that. I always try to carry few stamps and address book, and you can always get nice postcard around the corner. It's perfect thing to do while you killing time at cafe, lunch time, or before go to bed. It's fun to pick the card picturing about someone's face. And writing about some news in my life, stupid thing, and bullshits.


keep it raw

In this advanced technology world, someone can make better and crispy version just like that, but I feel that this video has strong guts. I like it that it is so lo-fi and rough. It said so much about New York back then, which I always has been fantasized about until today.




meet me at Holy Mountain

The movie was every single craziest thing you can imagine in this world cooked together. Chaotic and violent as it can be. Some scenes are visually beautiful though. Not recommended to everyone. Don't watch it just because you need stimulation.
