
My bed is sancuary


Thought Catalogというとてもいいウェブサイトがある。ライターはみんな若手なのかな?とにかく度々とてもいいショートエッセイがあるので、ちょくちょく読んでいる。どれも軽く読むのに完璧な長さで、文字の大きさといいキャッチーなタイトルといい、ナチュラルなようでいてよく考案されたいいウェブサイトだ。英語が苦手でも、おもしろいのがたくさんあって毎日いっぱい更新されるのでおすすめです!

Went to eat with my co-workers after work to Katsuhama. Tonkatsu (pork cutlet) is like a magic, it makes everybody happy no matter what. Shredded cabbage was great, I could eat it bottomless. At night, the thing that bordered me for couple of days are cleared out, so I could sleep peacefully. I love my bed. It soaks up all emotions from me, either it's joy or sorrow. My flannel blanket is a shell. Read a bit of Strange Days by Haruki Muakami, but I passed out reading just few pages.

Thought Catalog is one of my all time go-to website. I think all writers here are young. It's the corrective of essays that is perfect for coffee time reading. I always ready whatever the title attracts me. I think the website is super simple, but well considered to not overwhelm the reader. It is updated every single day with many essays, highly recommended!

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