This pen does the magic! My Converse chuck taylor was stained all over from coffee and other dirty thing, but they are now crispy white as box fresh! I am very sloppy person, and all of my white clothes are somehow stained. All of them. This is the life-saver, and it gives me particular satisfaction by just looking at stains fading away. highly recommended.
なぜか、本当になぜだかよくわからないけど唐突にN.E.R.Dがなつかしくなってファーストを買ってみる。丁度10年前なんだなぁ。高校のときネプチューンズが好きで買ったアルバムなんだけど、ちょっと難しくてわからなかったな。当時からStay Togetherが大好きで大好きで。このバキバキの強いドラムとスイートなメロディーにしばらくやられていた。間の入り方も完璧。今日会社でも帰り道でもずっと聴いてて、改めてすごい中毒性。充分長いのにそれでもこのまま終わらなければいいのに、と思う一曲。
Don't know why but all of a sudden I wanted to listen N.E.R.D again, and bought 1st album on iTunes this morning. It released exactly 10 years ago. I used to be so fanatic about Neptunes and Timberland. This album gave me a hard time to understand for my armature ears, but of course I fell in love with Stay Together. This sharp drums and sweet lyrics... the blank second is just so perfect. I listened at office and on the way home, it is so obsessive. It's already long enough, but still hoping not to end. Great song even today.
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