そしてO'my's のアルバムを一日中聴いてた。また戻って来た。
The crazy chilly day. But I liked that so cold, air is blue and crispy, feeling very clean. After the job, I went to Brooklyn to see some rag as I mentioned yesterday. I saw some rags that I really liked, but everything is from $500. Sigh... Instead, I bought vintage table cloth. I used to make fun of my mom loving these crochet, but I think I like it now. Strange. These small things make my room different, so I like buying some shit to decorate the room. I have enough clothes (duh), buying record is not that sexy (doesn't stopping me to do that by any means), so room decoration is my new luxury this 2012. I also bought small blackboard for to-do list. Stopped by saltie, bought my favorite lavender short bread, and also the cupcake shop next door and got strawberry shortcake cupcake. I don't know why I like baked good so much. I don't wanna know how much my expenses are flying for such things.
And listening O'Mys all-day-long. Again.
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